RETINAL DETACTMENT The retina is the light-sensitive tissue that lies smoothly againts the inside back wall of the eye and send message to the brain tghrough the optic nerve. Underneath retina is the coroid - a thin layer of blood vessel that supplies oxigyn and nutrients to the retina.
Retinal detatchment happened when the retina separates from the coroid.
The retinal detatchment is when part of the retina either tears or pulls away (detaches) from the back of the eye. If it does, that part of the retina cannot gather light. Vision loss may occur. Tears or detachment may be caused by aging, an eye injury, or another eye problem.
MORE detail....... Retinal detacthment is amedical emergency, and time is critical. unless the detached retina is promptly surgically reattached. This condition can cause permanent loss of vision.
Retinal detachtment is painless, warning sign retinal detachtment is :
a. the sudden appearance of many foater.
b. flashes of light one or both eyes.
c. sudden loss in vision.
d. a shadow or curtain over a portion of the visual field.
if you experience this symtom soon seek urgent examination by ophthalmologist.
Treatmentsurgery is the only effective terapy for retinal detatchment. The opthalmologist will tell you about the various risk and benefit of the treatment.